The magnificent Penyengat Island has even had its own love story between Sultan Mahmud Riayat Syah III (Sultan at Johor-Riau-Lingga-Pahang) and Her highness Hamidah or commonly known as Engku Putri.
Sultan Mahmud had shown his love to Engku Putri by presenting the whole Penyengat Island as his wedding offering. Engku Putri is daughter of King Haji Fisabilillah whose possess kingdom’s great treasures. One of the is Cogan, a mighty spear in a shape of golden betel vine leaf and silver bone. The Cogan is now securely reserved at the National Museum in Jakarta.
Heritages buildings may be discovered at Penyengat Island comprising of Memorial Park of Engku Putri and King Ali Haji, King Haji Fisabilillah, daeng Marewah,Daeng Celak,King Jakfar,Kantor Palace compound, Gunpower Building,and wall of defense at Kursi Hill. The hill is occupied with flawless architectural fortress during its time opposite the ocean so the soldiers were in their full alert when the enemies ship anchored.
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