Batam is second gateway for tourism after Bali, with average visit of 2 million people per year enriched with humanity memoirs 32 years ago of Ex-Vietnamese Refugee-Camp sited at Galang Baru Island. The camp is used to accommodate 250 thousand Vietnamese from 1975-1997. The refugees are also known as Boat People who escaped from the civil war between the South Vietnam (Capitalist) and North Vietnam (Communist).

The memory of Boat People are still securely reserved at Galang such as the boats, barracks, Catholic Church of Cua Ky Vien, Buddhist Temple of Nha To Duc Me Vo Nhiem, al list of refugees data and photos as well as graveyard which became witness of the captivating humanity tragedy in the past. The world has also recognized Batam by rated the camp as preeminent ex refugees camp in Asia.
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