The Exotic Islands of Natuna known as Pearl of The North located within Riau Islands Province is really like a pearl on the ocean waiting to be discovered. The area is 3.235,18 strategically located between the South China Sea with close borders to Malaysia, Thailand and Borneo are promoting to be developed as new tourist and investment destination at the Province. The natural beauties of vertical granite stones located underwater Natuna ocean has been admired and acknowledged by diving as well as photography experts.

Some white and beaches along with vertic granite stones in Natuna are Sisi Beach, Setengar Beach, Cape Beach, Cemaga Beach, Melang Beach, Manas Beach and Matak Kecil Beach with compliment value for your holiday. The Malay traditional arts and cultures extravagance inclusive at Natuna Calendar Events are festival of Zapin Dance, Hadrah Gendang Siantan, Mendu, Gasing Ayam Sondol ( Malay Traditional folk game usually known as top spinning ) and Awan Mendung. Natuna is also known of producing Screwpine Mat at the Serasan district where tourist may personally catch sight of the production process.

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