In various sources mentioned that bigger enough community from Chinese in Riau came from Daeng Celak administration, that is Yang Dipertuan Muda Riau II in 1728-1745. At that time was developed gambir product one of export commodity which has highly economic value. Chinese come and worked in gambir treatment.
According to information, Chinese argument at that time, they given freedom to occupied Senggarang as their settlement or habitant for Chinese by Yang Dipertuan Muda Riau II Daeng Celak. Since that, Chinese built that area as villages and amount of worship temple. Attention, more emphasized for Senggarang population when Daeng Kamboja appointed as yang Dipertuan Muda Riau III. Even one said, that Senggarang was the area really development as a city by Daeng Kamboja.
Later at the following era, when Raja Haji as Yang Dipertuan Muda Riau IV, Chinese come in crowds employed as bullet manufactured / metal projectile and gunpowder for local authority interest.
Senggarang more enlarge become crowded with those immigrant. As past habitat component still encountered in this place namely : worship place ( wihara, temple or pekong ), stories wall house remnant, and old well.

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